EP94 Bitcoin and the social layer with @DaddyWarbits

EP94 Bitcoin and the social layer with @DaddyWarbits


Todays episode is with Daddy Warbits.  We discussed bitcoin in traditional finance, the social layer and how it could change how we view truth. I really enjoyed this conversation and I hope you enjoy listening. 


Twitter - @DaddyWarbits 


Website - daddywarbits.com



Website - https://www.bit-buy-bit.com

Twitter - @BitBuyBitPod

Email - bit-buy-bitpodcast@protonmail.com


Today you can exchange $1 for 2556 Sats (Sale ends soon.)

Thank you Coinfloor for sponsoring the show. If you haven't signed up or bought Bitcoin then click the link below for 30% off Autobuy fees for 3 months. coinfloor.co.uk/BITBUYBIT


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BIT BUY BIT • EP94 Bitcoin and the social layer with @DaddyWarbits • Listen on Fountain