EP22 Sara Kindsfater-Yerkes on the Evolution of Business

EP22 Sara Kindsfater-Yerkes on the Evolution of Business

The Jim Rutt Show

Consultant Sara Kindsfater-Yerkes & Jim talk about leadership today, HR teams, embracing change, team engagement, honesty, gender dynamics, being offended, and much more...

Business Consultant Sara Kindsfater-Yerkes and Jim start this episode by reflecting on working together in their earlier careers. They then go on to talk about today’s multi-generational workforce, commonalities of Gen Z & Boomers, workplace mindsets, recruitment strategies & HR teams, shifts in today’s leadership approaches, hierarchical vs flat organizations, building company cultures that embrace change, nourishing employee engagement & intellectual honesty, the James Demore & Uber scandals, the Me Too Movement, women & men in the workforce, the word “fuck” as an intensifier, and the risks & rewards of being potentially offensive in the workplace.

Episode Transcript

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bluSKY Strategy

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Sara Kindsfater-Yerkes is a hands-on expert in transforming cultures, guiding strategic change, and developing leaders and teams. As a Consultant and Coach at bluSKY Strategy, a company she founded, Sara works with leaders who want to infuse their organizations with startup innovation, a customer-first mindset, and operational agility. Her clients span the private sector and federal agencies — coaching HR and IT leaders in managing the impact of emerging technology, building a best in class workforce, implementing lean thinking, and creating cultures of change and agility.


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