AEW DON Fanfest Reveals!

AEW DON Fanfest Reveals!

The Major Wrestling Figure Podcast

The high rollers are back with less biceps and get going with the major review and giveaways and then discuss last week's follow up (1:45)!  We then have the news segment (29:08) and follow that up with the Ringside top ten (1:19:26).  We then get weekly purchases (1:20:13) and the Major Mark Purchases of the Week (1:42:58).  Next we talk about the Incarnation of Domination for Animals (1:52:28), and we answer some questions with our Q and A  (2:06:00)!  We finish out the show with Good House Keeping and all our plugs and upcoming events (2:17:13)!

This episode is brought to you by Ringside Collectibles ( ). is your one stop shop for all your wrestling figure needs! Use code major to save 10 percent! SCRATCH THAT FIGURE ITCH!When: Each Friday morningWhere: Wherever you get your podcasts
Social Media:Twitter: @MajorWFPod , @TheMattCardona , @Myers_Wrestling, @majorpodnetwork @SilverintuitionInstagram: @MajorWFPod , @TheMattCardona , @Myers_Wrestling, @SmartMarkSterling , @majorpodnetwork


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