In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about understanding how gaining clarity on your goals can spark successful implementation and ignite your path to success. They share that you can successfully implement strategies toward achieving these goals once you have clarity. The beauty of this process is that it is interconnected. Having clarity and implementing strategies can lead to even more clarity. They also discuss messy action, challenging ourselves, and learning from our mistakes. This process of continual refinement and improvement is the key to making progress.
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Show notes:
[2:25] Clarity, implementation, and results
[6:20] Implement to get clarity
[14:13] The perfect implementation
[17:02] Tarryn, host of The Business Of Happiness podcast, shares her wonderful experience with Kevin and the Next Level Podcast Solutions team
[18:27] Improve along the way
[24:56] When you're moving forward, you're gaining clarity
[31:12] Outro