#1532 - What Are The Signs That You Are In Your Anxiety Zones?

#1532 - What Are The Signs That You Are In Your Anxiety Zones?

Next Level University

Like the relentless waves that carve the shoreline, anxiety, too, can shape us, pushing us to grow, evolve, and rise above our struggles. In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros discuss understanding and managing anxiety. It is a journey towards personal enhancement. It requires courage to unmask anxiety and persistence to strive for self-improvement continually. By identifying our anxiety zones, acknowledging our struggles, recognizing patterns, and managing coping mechanisms, we can ride the waves of anxiety to personal growth and self-discovery.

Links mentioned:
Next Level Nation - https://www.facebook.com/groups/459320958216700
Next Level Hope Foundation -


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Instagram 📷
Kevin: https://www.instagram.com/neverquitkid/
Alan: https://www.instagram.com/alazaros88/

Email 💬


Show notes:
[1:41] The truth
[3:46] Gratefulness while suffering
[5:50] No one has willpower everywhere
[7:00] Permission giving
[10:04] Recognizing patterns and coping mechanisms
[13:38] Rebecca praises Alan's coaching and the effectiveness of the Peak Performance Tracker in keeping her consistent and moving toward her goals
[14:57] The ultimate goal
[17:09] Stay in the learning zone
[25:10] Outro

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