What has two wheels and flies? You! After you properly prep your bike and dial in your setup for race day. On today's episode, coaches John Mayfield and Jeff Raines walk through all of the considerations for your bike's race day readiness. John and Jeff discuss rolling resistance for wheels, tires, and tubes; ensuring the function of bearings and brakes; and matching your gearing to the hills on your race course. They also offer suggestions for nutrition and hydration storage, reducing drivetrain friction, and 'must-have' items in your flat repair kit. Listen in to make sure that your ride is not only safe, but also as fast as can be, for your next event!
Huge thanks to deltaG for partnering with us on this episode.
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1. Learn more about fueling with deltaG ketone products.
2. Make a standalone purchase, or subscribe for ongoing deltaG ketone deliveries.
3. Book a FREE 15 minute video consultation with Brian, an expert on exogenous ketones, and deltaG in particular, to discuss your individual goals and best choice of deltaG drink to exceed those goals.