#1262 - There Is A Big Difference Between Awareness and Action

#1262 - There Is A Big Difference Between Awareness and Action

Next Level University

Awareness is only half the story. It’s what we do with this new or renewed awareness that makes the real difference. Today hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about the importance of taking action and its difference from just knowing something. Having the knowledge about something – whether it’s an issue or new learnings – can only get you so far. What you do about it is what makes the difference.

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Alan: @alazaros88

LinkedIn ✍
Kevin: www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-palmieri
Alan: www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc

Email 💬

Show notes:
[1:38] How do you fare in the awareness-implementation gap?
[6:50] Kevin’s awareness-implementation gap then and now
[10:35] John Laurito, the host of Tomorrow's Leader, shares how he kick-started his podcast journey with Kevin and NLPS
[11:22] Momentum over everything
[16:10] How large is your awareness-implementation gap?
[17:46] Awareness is the pre-cursor to all action
[19:45] Outro

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