Who you gonna call? Mythbusters!! There is so much information out there about the sport of triathlon. Most of it is good stuff, but like anything, some of it is just not true. On today’s episode, coaches John Mayfield and Elizabeth James will focus on 15 myths about triathlon and highlight the “the truth about tri.” Don't miss the insights about preseason preparations, required training hours, swim improvement, strength training, rest days, and more!
Huge thanks to deltaG for partnering with us on this episode. To learn more about the performance boosting benefits of deltaG Ketones head to deltaGketones.com and use code TRIDOT20 for 20% off your order. On their site you can:
1. Learn more about fueling with deltaG ketone products.
2. Make a standalone purchase, or subscribe for ongoing deltaG ketone deliveries.
3. Book a FREE 15 minute video consultation with Brian, an expert on exogenous ketones, and deltaG in particular, to discuss your individual goals and best choice of deltaG drink to exceed those goals.
The Preseason Project® is a triathlon research initiative that helps us quantify and enhance the performance gains that TriDot’s Optimized Training™ delivers over training alternatives. Qualified participants receive 2 free months of triathlon training. Learn more and apply at: https://psp.tridot.com/psp23pod/