If you’re human, you will have insecurities and these will come from different places in your life. If you’re stuck in a specific area, somewhere in the center of that is insecurity. How you react to that insecurity is connected to the progress you’re going to make in your life.
In today’s episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros will dive deeper into a topic that most people tend to avoid, and admittedly, so did Alan and Kevin in the past. Those willing to look at their insecurities the most will end up with the least of them. In other words, in order to grow, you need to face your insecurities, understand them, and then start working on them.
Group coaching: https://nextleveluniverse.com/group-coaching/
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Show notes:
[1:32] When you get feedback, sometimes you get insecure
[4:55] If you’re not aware of your triggers, it creates more uncertainty
[7:20] Let your insecurity hold you back or build on top of it
[7:55] Root cause of insecurity
[10:39] The theme of today’s episode
[11:31] Do you want to level up in life, love, and wealth without breaking your bank? Join our group coaching, head on over to https://nextleveluniverse.com/group-coaching/
[12:49] Why are certain companies so successful? Hint: it covers insecurities
[13:59] Limiting belief is…
[15:05] Avoiding uncomfortable situations and challenging conversations
[17:35] Lack of awareness
[19:22] Here’s a homework for you guys
[21:24] Round 3 of the Group Coaching waitlist is now OPEN!
[22:31] Free virtual speech that is fully custom for your organization, business, or college
[23:22] Outro