In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about the art of task management and the liberating concept that not everything is as important as it seems. They shine a light on the societal conditioning that often pressures women into believing that every little thing is essential, leading to unnecessary stress and burnout.They talk about eliminating tasks that contribute little to your overall vision. It's about automating, delegating, and eliminating tasks that don't align with your purpose. This approach affords you more time to focus on what truly matters.
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Show notes:
(2:10) Productivity
(6:40) The result vs. the process
(8:34) What is important
(13:39) Helen praises Alan for providing safe and empowering coaching services with Next Level Business Solutions
(14:29) Credit for the process
(16:36) The value of productivity
(23:23) Outro