In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros peeled back the layers on a topic that resonates with many: the delicate dance between personal growth and staying true to our core identity. The dialogue provided a candid look at the introspective journey of embracing change while holding on to the foundational aspects that make us who we are. This conversation didn't just skim the surface of self-improvement tropes; it dove deep into the heart of what it means to evolve without losing sight of one's true self. The insights shared are valuable for those embarking on their growth journey and serve as a gentle reminder for the seasoned self-help enthusiast to check in with their core values and beliefs. No matter where life's journey takes you, the most vital element is to stay unmistakably, unapologetically you. It's a reminder that resonates deeply, especially in a world where the pressure to conform can be overwhelming.
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Show notes:
(1:36) Kevin's preference
(3:39) Fixed and growth mindset
(6:34) Move beyond the limiting beliefs
(9:26) Staying true while growing
(11:37) Simple pleasures & newfound appreciation
(14:57) Kim thanks Kevin for going above and beyond in helping launch the Peaceful Productivity podcast.
(16:41) Thinking about your thinking
(18:19) Contemplation
(21:22) Be yourself and be fulfilled
(26:17) Outro
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