#356 - Why You're Not Following Through

#356 - Why You're Not Following Through

Next Level University

#356 - Why You're Not Following Through

In our podcast, we’ve talked about the different principles, frameworks, and mindset to help you become successful in life. Some of us, however, are struggling with following through. We set our goals, we’ve prioritized, taken the first step, but still somehow managed to always stop midway. This can be frustrating. So how do you make sure that you stay on track? Stay tuned!

Key highlights:

  • Introduction [0:30]
  • Rocketship analogy [1:22]
  • Cereal box example [2:50]
  • “Good habits are hard to create, easy to break; bad habits are easy to create, difficult to break.” [4:24]
  • Why coaching is important and what are the benefits of having one? [7:40]
  • The principles of success [9:10]
  • Mastermind guest and topic teaser [9:45]
  • Kevin shares how the habit of meditation helped him with his anxiety [11:22]

Don’t forget to check out The Hyper Conscious Podcast to learn more about the podcast and our other programs. Also, the best community to be part of right now is also on that link. Give it a try! See you in the next episode of The Hyper Conscious Podcast.

FEEL FREE to  reach out to us for any reason on LinkedIn, Instagram or via email 


Kevin: https://www.instagram.com/neverquitkid/?hl=en

Alan: https://www.instagram.com/alazaros88/?hl=en


Kevin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-palmieri-5b7736160/

Alan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Hyper-Conscious-Podcast-106871136824274/




Kevin's Online Training Courses: https://the-hyper-conscious-podcast.teachable.com/

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