Special Episode: Zachary Vorhies

Special Episode: Zachary Vorhies

The Jim Rutt Show

Zachary Vorhies recently resigned as a senior software engineer at YouTube. Employed by Google since 2008, Vorhies collected a large cache of documents that he claims demonstrates that Google intentionally skews search results to drive a political agenda. Vorhies shared these documents with James O'Keefe of Project Veritas, which released a video about the documents on August 14, 2019. Vorhies' candid interview with Jim Rutt was conducted five days later on August 19, 2019.

Meet Zack Vorhies, "The Snowden of Google" 12 minutes
Machine Learning Fairness and the Fairness Bias 8 minutes
Did Google Commit Perjury Before U.S. Congress? 7 minutes
Why Doesn't Google AutoComplete match Search Patterns? 11 minutes
Has Google Interfered in U.S. and Foreign Elections? 5 minutes
"My Breaking Point" - Google and Covfefe 7 minutes


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