#1181 - What Your Reactions Say About You…

#1181 - What Your Reactions Say About You…

Next Level University

How do you react when you’re in an uncomfortable situation? When you’re put on the spot, or you hear unpleasing news, what’s your go-to reaction? Are you a calm-and-collected type? Or are you someone who loses their cool and escalates the situation? Today hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about reactions and how it says more about you than the person or the situation you are reacting to. How you react to a situation says everything about your character. Sometimes, showing strength isn’t only the ability to speak up for yourself. Sometimes, it’s indeed not saying anything at all.

Links mentioned:
Group Coaching Round 9 starts on January 3, 2023 (only 10 seats available) -
Next Level U Book Club -

Website 💻 www.nextleveluniverse.com

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Alan: @alazaros88

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Kevin: www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-palmieri
Alan: www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc

Email 💬

Show notes:
[1:26] Check in on your empathy
[6:22] Your reactions are indicative of whether or not you’re entitled
[13:49] It shows your level of self-worth
[15:01] Alex Ramos shares her Next Level Group Coaching experience
[20:36] Be less entitled; treat people with respect
[29:25] Outro

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