#440 - Evan Carmichael on Overnight Success
In today’s episode, we are joined by someone we look up to and who influences us a lot in terms of improving our levels and standard. We have spoken together on stage with this speaker, YouTuber, and author --- Evan Carmichael. Tune in to yet another fire episode as we talk about focusing on improving your standards, doing the things you love, showing up every day, and so much more.
Where to find Evan Carmichael:
YouTube: youtube.com/c/Evancarmichael/
Website: https://believe.evancarmichael.com
Get the Built to Serve book: https://believe.evancarmichael.com/builttoserve
Key takeaways:
[0:00] Introduction
[0:38] Guest introduction
[2:29] Action-oriented vs. future-focused
[5:58] Evan’s speaking journey
[10:36] Relationship with standards
[14:08] The most important misunderstandings that limit success
[15:53] Where to find Evan’s book?
[18:35] Evan’s advice to people who grew up in comfort instead of growing up in pain
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FEEL FREE to reach out to us for any reason on LinkedIn, Instagram or via email
Kevin: https://www.instagram.com/neverquitkid/?hl=en
Alan: https://www.instagram.com/alazaros88/?hl=en
Kevin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-palmieri-5b7736160/
Alan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc/