A Conversation with @DecrimNat: how a Bitcoin future impacts humanity

A Conversation with @DecrimNat: how a Bitcoin future impacts humanity

Death and Bitcoin

Finally got together with my Bitcoin sister-in-arms @DecrimNat for a conversation about life, death, caregiving, psychedelics, grief, and how Bitcoin will enable our society to better care for ourselves, one another, and stop the cycle of generational trauma.

@DecrimNat opens up about her experience with grief, and how imperative community spaces are to helping us process and make meaning of our losses. She shares her vision as a creator of community spaces and events where plebs (Bitcoiners) can gather to chill, connect, and share ideas so that this bright orange future becomes our reality - sooner rather than later!

She is looking for contributors and collaborators to help bring her vision to fruition - feel free to reach out to her via DM on Twitter @DecrimNat, or shoot me an email at livefreeyogi@gmail.com and I will be more than happy to connect you.


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