I recently had the opportunity to attend the Rhinestone Cowgirl Conference hosted by Girls with Grit Collective, and I'm still on a high! I can't wait to share my top five takeaways with you. Attending conferences is an investment of time, effort, and money that can pay dividends. Whether you're a new agent or a seasoned pro, there's always something new to learn, connections to make, and multiple ways to grow your business. When was the last time you invested in yourself and your business by attending a conference?
In This Episode:
[0:00] Take control of your time
[3:50 ] Connect and build true relationships
[5:28] Investment on the conference
[7:47] We don't usually invest in ourselves
[9:40] It's worth the effort
[11:08] Conference like none other
[13:11] Takeaway #1: Relationships are everything
[15:28] Don't discount the value of knowing people
[16:56] Takeaway #2: Be on video
[21:03] Takeaway #3: Show up as you
[22:15] Attract the right audiences
[23:48] Takeaway #4: Love your clients
[25:52] Investing in a lot of things
[27:55] Takeaway #5: Be with people who want more
[30:58] Masterclass
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