Letting go is difficult, especially when there’s emotional attachment involved. But when you find that certain someone or something is just there taking up space and is no longer helpful in your life, it’s time to reconsider holding on. In this week’s live podcast, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about letting go of persons, places, things, and ideas that no longer serve you and how do you exactly do that. They also explain a few reasons you should let go, especially when you’re on your journey to finding your higher self.
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Show notes:
[4:38] Fear of leaving people behind
[8:05] Persons
[11:07] What are your actual 10s?
[15:45] Places
[20:14] Identity shifts
[20:33] Here’s another great testimonial from Matt Kramer
[26:09] Things
[30:45] Take action and get that truth
[35:41] Ideas
[41:04] Everything is a choice
[42:37] Outro