Fluff up that sofa cushion and adopt the traditional supine podcast position - it's time for another episode of Taskmaster: The People's Podcast!
This week Jenny and Jack are joined by a very special guest all the way from Minnesota - it's David Ha, the singular force behind fan favourite Taskmaster: Minnesota. David talks about what prompted him to start his own version of Taskmaster, how he writes his tasks, what lessons he learned after his first series, why he's not trying to be like Little Alex Horne, and a secret loophole from his second series that he has never revealed until now.
But before that, Jenny and Jack review Series 5, Episode 8 in another vintage homework assignment - can you guess which moment brought Jenny to tears?
Plus, the pair get some fan mail with some definitive answers about whether or not Bob Mortimer's The Satsuma Complex had anything to do with Taskmaster.
Have some ideas for the definitely-not-happening Series 3 of Taskmaster: Minnesota? Want to point out a goof or a bloop? Why not write to Jack and Jenny at fans@taskmaster.tv.
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Taskmaster the Podcast is Produced by Christine Macdonald for Avalon Television