(2:08) - TNTM & NFL Week 16 Preview with Stanford Steve: Playoff Contenders, College Football Bets & Dallas vs Philly!
(45:48) - NFL Week 16 Three Locks.
(58:23) - Friday Freak Show with Dr. Fax: Zach Wilson Buys Offensive Line Motor Scooters.
(1:17:55) - Friday Freak Show Mailbag: Sex or Near-Perfect Bets, Worst Holiday Commercials & Who is on Your Green Light Heist Squad?
Green Light Spotify Music: https://open.spotify.com/user/951jyryv2nu6l4iqz9p81him9?si=17c560d10ff04a9b
Spotify Layup Line: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1olmCMKGMEyWwOKaT1Aah3?si=675d445ddb824c42
Green Light Tube YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/GreenLightTube1
Green Light with Chris Long:
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