What do we do? Scott and Bree agonized over how to relate to friends and family members who’d chosen unbiblical ways of life. As they studied the Scriptures and prayed, a path forward emerged: First, they reinforced their love for their friends and loved ones; second, they expressed what was true and good about them based on God’s good design; and third, they shared how they would lovingly interact with them based on Scriptural wisdom. In time, greater relational trust was built as Scott and Bree extended Christlike love.

Hosea likely wondered how to relate to his wife—a woman whose chosen way of life didn’t honor God or him. God directed the prophet to “show your love to your wife again, though she is . . . an adulteress” (Hosea 3:1). The prophet evidently reinforced his love for her while also expressing what was right and true for them and their relationship before God (v. 3). His relationship with her symbolized God’s own challenge with rebellious ancient Israel. Though they’d chosen a wrong course, He provided a path forward, telling them His “love will know no bounds” (14:4 nlt) but to choose His ways for they “are right” (v. 9).

As God provides wisdom and discernment, let’s continue to extend His love and truth to those who’ve chosen unbiblical ways of life. His example provides the path forward.   

How has God shown love and truth to you? How can you show God’s love and truth to those on unbiblical paths?


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