Being selfless means that you care about others as much or more as you care about yourself. It means that you feel their pain, share their struggles and go out of your way to be a positive force in your life. Sadly, being selfless also means you have to deal with many things that selfish people never even think of. Today hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about some things that we see as negative but can be looked at as something good about us. Although helping others can benefit our health, happiness, and relationships, being too caring can sometimes have downsides. For example, especially selfless people may feel exploited in their interpersonal relationships or burned out in their jobs.
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Show notes:
[1:30] Is it a matter of self-worth?
[3:48] Are you doing it out of fear of judgment or a desire to be a better person?
[6:36] Where do you draw the line?
[11:00] Kim Christiansen shares how Kevin and Next Level Podcast Solutions helped her kickstart her podcast -
[13:15] It all boils down to communication
[19:58] Every strength comes with a weakness
[23:00] Outro