Mastering the Stamina-Endurance Misnomer

Mastering the Stamina-Endurance Misnomer

The TriDot Triathlon Podcast

Triathletes are often referred to as "endurance athletes." But is it endurance that we build during training? Or is it stamina? The terms stamina and endurance have been commonly, but mistakenly, used interchangeably. Join coaches John Mayfield and Jeff Raines as they explain the difference between stamina and endurance. Jeff and John also discuss how to build stamina, how to build endurance, and what is most appropriate for you given your background and upcoming race distance. Enter your next race build with confidence and a better understanding of the physiological adaptations that come from endurance or stamina building.

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The TriDot Triathlon Podcast • Mastering the Stamina-Endurance Misnomer • Listen on Fountain