When you’re chasing goals, everything will seem like a number 1 priority screaming for your attention. In this week’s Q&A, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros answer questions about last week’s live podcast episode #1009 - How To Better Prioritize Your Time. Listen in and get some killer tips about prioritizing your time, breaking your day into sections, rescheduling tasks, and more.
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Show notes:
[1:05] If you work long hours, how do you break your days into sections, especially when you get home at night?
[2:45] When you are trying to accomplish your time, what is more important: time used to learn how to do something or just do the task even if it takes longer?
[5:17] How do you reschedule work when unexpected things come into your life? Do you push it and work late or pick it up the next day?
[10:27] How can I determine my genius zone if I feel pulled to do several things?
[14:08] Alex Taylor, the owner of Shoreline Shooter Productions based out of Halifax, Nova Scotia, is pleasantly satisfied with Alan’s coaching services
[17:09] As you become better at prioritizing your time and it comes at the expense of a relationship, how do you balance time in habits versus time in relationships?
[25:25] Outro