#837 - Why Failure & Success Are Married

#837 - Why Failure & Success Are Married

Next Level University

Innovations and great improvement come from small failures—always remember that. So the next time you make a mistake, own it, make room for it, and learn from it. In this week’s Q&A, hosts Kevin Palmieri and ALan Lazaros talk deeply about the relationship between failure and success. The mistakes that you make will never define who you are or your self-worth, it’s what you do after that matters.

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Show notes:
[1:23] Quick context of why we wanted to talk about this topic 
[3:30] On continuous learning
[6:50] The most valuable advice you got as a podcaster
[9:04] Why do we say that failure and success are married?
[12:40] Quick shoutout and testimonial from our NLU group coaching graduate, Greg Johnson
[13:52] If you have a growth mindset—mistakes can become an opportunity
[18:21] Kevin’s previous belief in success and failure
[20:37] One last valuable example from Alan
[22:28] Next Level Live on March 26, 2022
[26:01] Outro


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