The incredible model for predicting and assessing the value of the Bitcoin network by @100trillionUSD is analyzed in his exceptional article that we read on today's show, "Modeling Bitcoin's Value with Scarcity." With an R^2 above 95%, if you plan for a bitcoin future without closely assessing this model, you are ignoring a powerful indicator. Hear all about what it means for "orange coin number" in today's episode!
Don't forget to drop some major applause for the excellent work at the original article:
Be sure to follow @100trillionUSD on Twitter so you don't miss out on his continuous amazing work:
Other episodes mentioned in the show to dive deeper:
Conner Brown's - Bitcoin has no Intrinsic Value, & that's Great!
Money, Blockchains, & Social Scalability
Shelling Out: The Origin of Money
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