S15 E28: Deadalnix (Amoury Séchet) on Forking Bitcoin, Big Blocks & Scaling

S15 E28: Deadalnix (Amoury Séchet) on Forking Bitcoin, Big Blocks & Scaling

Bitcoin Takeover Podcast

Amaury Séchet is the developer who forked Bitcoin to create Bitcoin Cash in August 2017. A year later, he became one of the first people to find out about the inflation bug in Bitcoin – yet he chose to not exploit it and collaborate with the Bitcoin Core devs instead.

Deadalnix was also one of the first large blockers to figure out that Craig Wright is not Satoshi. On the other hand, he appears to be a fan of dev taxes.

Why did he not destroy Bitcoin? Why do large blockers keep on creating forks? How was Craig Wright exposed among the big blocker circles? In this episode, we learn more about this lesser known part of Bitcoin history.


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