Global Holy War: Power, Propaganda, and the Fight for Truth – SF508

Global Holy War: Power, Propaganda, and the Fight for Truth – SF508

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In today’s show – From the escalating Ukraine conflict to the rise of global spiritual narratives, we explore the tensions shaping our world. Beginning with the concept of a "global holy war," we dive into censorship, media manipulation, and the imperialistic underpinnings of Western foreign policy. Project Veritas revelations and Mike Benz’s insights expose how power structures leverage control through information and environmental policies.

As concerns over nuclear risks grow and the climate crisis narrative evolves, we question the role of centralized authority in managing global challenges. Plus, the rise of Christianity as a counterforce to globalism offers a spiritual lens to navigate this modern chaos. 


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Stay Free with Russell Brand • Global Holy War: Power, Propaganda, and the Fight for Truth – SF508 • Listen on Fountain