EP 233 Robert Conan Ryan on Seven Ethical Perspectives

EP 233 Robert Conan Ryan on Seven Ethical Perspectives

The Jim Rutt Show

Jim talks with Robert Conan Ryan about seven ethical perspectives and why everyone should know them. They discuss why understanding ethical stances is valuable, a horseshoe spectrum, pragmatism, virtue ethics, consequentialism, deontology, elitist power, deification, social justice, stacking up ethical stances, Aristotle's golden mean, sociopaths in the military, running the polis, coherent pluralism, the multi-perspectival lens, Cornel West's positional complexity, paideia, DEI (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion), liberal universal humanism, pragmatism vs neo-pragmatism, the long run vs the short run, the transaction cost theory of ethics, inclusive entrepreneurship, the Main Street problem, and much more.

Episode Transcript
JRS EP54 - Robert Conan Ryan on Boom & Bust Cycles
"On making meanings: Curators, social assembly, and mashups," by Barry M. Mitnick & Robert C. Ryan
The Open Society and Its Enemies, by Karl Popper
Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals, by Saul Alinsky
Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America, by John McWhorter

Robert Conan Ryan is a professor of business administration and emerging public intellectual. His current scholarly projects include work with a diverse roster of world-leading strategists, economists, and futurists such as Jordan Hall, Michel Bauwens, Ravi Madhavan, Barry Mitnick, Matthew McCaffrey, and Michael Rectenwald. His current papers tackle competitive industry dynamics; grey market economics; the history of technology; Neo-Schumpeterian economics; artificial vs. natural cognition; paradigmatic strategic design; and, how sensemaking systems evolve and change.


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