#1636 - Is Resentment Building In Your Relationship?

#1636 - Is Resentment Building In Your Relationship?

Next Level University

Have you ever found yourself simmering with resentment because it felt like you’re the only one in your relationship balancing the scales of fairness? A delicate balance must be maintained in intimate relationships to foster harmony and contentment. Yet, often lurking beneath the surface of even the strongest bonds are sinister threads of resentment entwined with the unyielding pursuit of fairness. In today’s episode, Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros dive deep into this convoluted interplay, providing invaluable insights into the emotional turmoil that can plague personal connections. It is a call to introspection and action, inviting listeners to redefine our approach to conflict and harmony in our relationships.

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Kevin: https://www.instagram.com/neverquitkid/
Alan: https://www.instagram.com/alazaros88/

Facebook ✍
Alan: https://www.facebook.com/alan.lazaros
Kevin: https://www.facebook.com/kevin.palmieri.90/

Email 💬


Show notes:
(2:32) Perceived ungranted permission
(4:45) Resentment builds when...
(10:26) At NLU, we want you to win! So, we’re giving you the tools and resources to ensure your success. Join our Monthly Meetup every first Thursday of the month at 6 PM. https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/monthly-meetups/
(11:21) Navigating envy and resentment constructively
(13:27) Constructive or destructive
(17:04) Emotions are signals
(18:55) Outro

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