"So many people take for granted what other people are wishing for." - David Meltzer
If you've been a listener to this podcast, you'd probably heard of episodes where David Meltzer was mentoring hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros. Today's episode is no different, and this is a great episode for anyone who wonders what mentorship looks like. They covered a good number of interesting topics from forgiveness, focusing on the "why," resistance, burnout, and inferiority. They also talked about why others find it very difficult to receive and the lessons Dave was grateful to learn.
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Show notes:
[2:12] The process of forgiving yourself
[7:04] Forgiveness is a process
[9:19] It's the "why"...
[11:19] Where does the resistance of receiving come from?
[13:44] On the need to feel inferior
[16:10] Here’s a testimonial from one of their coaching clients and the co-host of The WhyPower Podcast, Bianca Thomas
[17:22] Diving deeper into inferiority and its relativity
[21:40] The misconception of burnout
[24:23] The importance of embodiment
[28:08] Is there something that Dave regretted in the past?
[30:28] The lessons David are grateful for
[32:52] Outro