Curtis Yarvin’s Bitvana or Bitcaust part 2

Curtis Yarvin’s Bitvana or Bitcaust part 2

Citadel Builders Podcast

  1. Intro

    1. Welcome to the Citadel Builders podcast. This show revolves around discussions with pleb builders actively looking to create and develop circular economies, advance the use of Bitcoin for long term savings and day-to-day transactions. We aim to raise awareness of the dangers of ever-encroaching government and corporate surveillance, showing people how to take practical steps to increase their privacy and sovereignty. In so doing we aim to add our voices to those fighting to reduce the corruption made possible by fiat money and its destructive consequences. Block by block we build and participate in a circular bitcoin economy of free and sovereign individuals.

    2. This show is hosted by we 3 gentlemen. The ever pessimistic, Doomer Dash. The overly contemplative, meta Mike. And me, the always affable and amicable Andy.  

    3. Value for value plug

      1. 1,000 sats

  2. Japan segment: Dash

    1. Record budget due to increased social security and defense spending 2: JPY stable coin and CBDC update 3: Update on masks

  3. Builder segment:  

    1. Tunnel Sats

      1. Tunnel Sats provides scripts for lightning nodes enabling hybrid mode (Clearnet & Tor) and offers paid VPN servers on various continents for fixed terms. Our secured and LN-only configured VPNs support port-forwarding to connect with other lightning nodes.

      2. The lightning network functions in rapid growing speed as infrastructure for payments across the globe between merchants, creators, consumers, institutions and investors alike. Hence the key pillars of sustained growth are their nodes, by providing reliable, liquid, discoverable, trustless and fast connection points between those parties. For fast communication establishing clearnet connections between nodes is inevitable.

      3. The effort of creating a valuable “clearnet over VPN” node is quite high and intense because it touches several disciplines not every node runner is comfortable with. Required knowledge of the command line, firewall handling, network details, trust in and choosing of a suitable VPN provider that offers all the features we need and cares about privacy and security and, of course, the configuration of the lightning node itself makes it easy to just “leave it as is”. Therefore we came to the conclusion that this process has to be simplified a lot.  

      4. Why should youuse this service?

        1. Providing Lightning ⚡ Services is about privacy, reliability, connectivity, speed and liquidity. Relying your node connectivity to a single service Tor is a risk regarding connectivity and network stability, as anyone running a lightning node can testify. With Hybrid1 connectivity, you offer your payment and routing services to be faster, more reliable, and yet, there is a privacy concern when you do it with your home-IP: you both expose your rough location of your node, potentially your home and your node’s system to attacks from the internet. With our solution Tunnel Sats, you get the best of both worlds. Your node and home IP stays hidden, behind Tor and our VPS public IP address, which will be your node’s face to the public internet, is shared with other peers. You may see higher reliability causing not only higher uptime, fewer offline peer nodes but also greater routing numbers. This isn’t a promise, but an eventually expected outcome.

        2. You also provide better user experience for customers actually using lightning as a payment system, which you could argue is the largest benefit.

      5. Find them on Twitter @tunnelsats or their main site

  4. Main topic: reading and commenting on Yarvin Bitvana or the bitcaust


  5. Outro:

    1. Find us on Twitter/nostr @tokyocitadel

    2. Online

    3. Support us on fountain app with a 1,000 sat boost

    4. Building sovereignty, privacy and hope into the tokyo citadel. 


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