12/18/14 - Show #427: "What is in store for the Oakland Raiders in 2015?"

12/18/14 - Show #427: "What is in store for the Oakland Raiders in 2015?"

Raider Nation Podcast - Las Vegas Raiders News and Opinion with Raider Greg


Segment #1: Announcements and Comments

One announcement concerning our podcast schedule. There will be no podcast during the week following the Bills game as we will be on vacation over the Christmas holiday. We will return after the Raiders' season finale in Denver. Also, remember that we will be continuing the podcast during the off-season as we always do. It may not be weekly, but we will put out a show whenever there is Raiders news to report.

Segment #2: Raiders are 2-12 after loss to KC, what's in store for 2015?

We won't have a Chiefs postgame segment of a Bills pregame segment. Instead, we will discuss Raiders coaching and management issues. We will hear from various media coverage on this topic. Included is audio from Comcast's Postgame Live show following the Chiefs game, with Bill Romanowski and Lorenzo Neal. We'll also hear some interviews from the Raiders flagship radio station 95.7 "The Game". Included are Tony Sparano's regular Monday interview, comments from Greg Papa and John Lund from "The Wheelhouse", and segments from the Damon Bruce Show. We hear from "The Professor" John Clayton, Hall of Famer Warren Sapp, and Superbowl winning QB Trent Dilfer.

Segment #3 “The Boneline” Voicemail Segment

You can call in to the Boneline and get on the podcast yourself. Toll-Free 1-800-620-7181. Try to keep your call around 2-3 minutes long. If we get a lot of calls we may not be able to air all of them, so make them good. Preference may be given to first time callers. Sorry if your call is not aired. Please call back to get on another show.

This week’s callers:

01. Raider Rob Armstrong from Santa Rosa
02. Raider Xen
03. Autumn Wind Williams
04. Raider Dan from KC
05. Nebraska Raider
06. Raider Mike in Tampa, Florida
07. Johnny D the Bluegrass Raider
08. Raider Tatum from the Midwest
09. The Raiders Guy from East Lansing
10. Raider Red from Southern Illinois
11. RJ The Raider Junkie from East Whittier
12. Raider Jim from Nashville

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Music credit: The Raiders by Sam Spence; Back in Black by AC-DC; Bad to the Bone by George Thorogood.

Available in the iTunes store.

Running time - 1:42:05


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Raider Nation Podcast - Las Vegas Raiders News and Opinion with Raider Greg • 12/18/14 - Show #427: "What is in store for the Oakland Raiders in 2015?" • Listen on Fountain