⏪ Albums | Sorcerer - Lamenting of the Innocent (2020) 🤘🎶 - 95/100

⏪ Albums | Sorcerer - Lamenting of the Innocent (2020) 🤘🎶 - 95/100

⏪ RewindeR - Rock + Sports & More

"Si eres fanático del doom metal, no puedes dejar pasar 'Lamenting Of The Innocent' de Sorcerer. Este álbum combina una electrificante potencia y tétrico metal que enarbola el género del epic doom, ofreciendo una experiencia musical intensa y oscura."

#Sorcerer #LamentingOfTheInnocent #Album

Calificación: 95/100

⏪ RewindeR - Reseñas, Recuerdos y Opinión de Albums de Rock!

Album! Rebobinando 📼  Sorcerer - Lamenting of the Innocent (2020) 💿

Album en Tidal: https://tidal.com/browse/album/132707716

Album en Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5FfhsfeLtYR9O60o43zAYHAlbum en YouTube: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_l-v4vOJXY_LCl5sbOWiOblviDW3lI3mhA

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INTRO: Holy Pain's World | Compositor: Holy Pain from (Music is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.) Universal License at freemusicarchive.org.

OUTRO: Mover | Compositor: Carvings Svensson from EPIDEMIC SOUNDS (Rock, Eccentric, Sports Arena, Driving, Huge) Free for Canva PRO.


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