“You have to admit what you’re not in order to become what you want to be.” - Kevin P.
We’ve gone through quite a good number of questionnaire answers and we’ve seen some astonishing responses particularly on questions about self-confidence. Seeing someone answer “none” to all questions about "need help with" made us want to talk about the lies we tell ourselves in today’s episode.
Are you aware of the lies that you are telling yourself? Do you have the much-needed self-awareness to do something about it? At the end of the episode, we have a few questions that we want you to answer and reflect on, so make sure you tune in.
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Show notes:
[1:12] Yes, we have data!
[2:21] The problems with not admitting that you need help
[6:47] Confidence comes after self-awareness
[8:35] Looking at external factors to measure internal confidence
[9:43] Detach from the outcome
[11:18] Shame vs. guilt
[13:43] Do you want to level up in life, love, and wealth? Join our private Facebook group #NextLevelNation
[16:05] How to know that you’re lying to yourself
[22:14] Answer these questions and reflect on your answers
[22:49] Everything is figureoutable
[23:15] Join the Meetup Monday every Monday, 6 PM EST and get around next level people
[24:07] Next Level group coaching is rolling out on March 15
[26:18] Outro