Thank you for listening to the Leaders, Innovators and Big Ideas podcast, supported by Rainforest Alberta. The podcast that highlights those people who are contributing to and/or supporting the innovation ecosystem in Alberta.
Another episode from Edmonton hosted by Christopher Drobot. Christopher Drobot is a passionate cheerleader for the potential of the Edmonton region. Although not directly an entrepreneur himself, his extensive experience in business operations and now mortgage lending help focus his excitement on the ideas that can see the city grow. He is involved in the push to bring a world-class aquarium to the city, is completing an MBA, and – together with his wife – homeschools his two children. The parallels between entrepreneurialism and homeschooling have been many, and he sees an overarching lesson in both: you have to create the world you wish to see.
Luke Matusewicz. We have with us today Luke Matusewicz. Born in Poland, Luke came to Canada in 2004, and got his citizenship in 2008. But although he had come to Canada to start a new life, he hadn't figured out his "big plan" quite yet. He tried working in the construction industry, and in 2010 started an apprenticeship to become a scaffolder, where he worked until 2018. Realizing that he was not happy with the work, and was seeking a greater meaning, he looked to the entrepreneurial space as a way to fulfill his creative outlet. He had an idea to create a new fitness app with the focus not on the fitness but on the social aspect of the fitness journey, so people can help each other. During the process of building the app he found a passion for sports and activities, and how it effectively helps people improve their overall well-being. He and his team released their app just last month.
Please be sure to share this episode with everyone you know. If you are interested in being either a host, a guest, or a sponsor of the show, please reach out. We are published in Google Podcasts and the iTunes store for Apple Podcasts. We would be grateful if you could give us a rating as it helps spread the word about the show.
Show Summary:
Contributing to our recent theme of "people working in tech with no immediate tech background", Luke once again shows that if you have a strong enough idea and build a team of people around you, building a business in tech is possible for anyone! Luke recounts his journey from Poland, the challenges he initially faced as an immigrant, and shares how he made the leap to becoming a tech entrepreneur.
Show Quote:
"We all have different unique ideas, but really do the research, see if there's a need for what you're thinking. If there's a need for it, then you're on to something and you can go from there"
"Face-to-face networking...older generations, that was just their thing, they knew everyone, right? But for us now it's different [with social media] that we can find the groups and the meetups, but we still have to do it ourselves - we still have to remember to get out there and meet people"
This Episode Sponsored By: Capturing Legacies Inc.
Episode Audio Editing: Kate Day - KD Sound Design
Graphic Design: Mackenzie Bedford
Episode Music: Tony Del Degan
Creator & Producer: Al Del Degan