EP54 Robert Conan Ryan on Boom & Bust Cycles

EP54 Robert Conan Ryan on Boom & Bust Cycles

The Jim Rutt Show

Robert Conan Ryan talks with Jim about Neo Schumpeterianism: boom & bust cycles, 6 paradigms, organic vs digital, meaning-making, utopias, and much more...

Robert Conan Ryan talks with Jim about Neo Schumpeterian economic theory, booms & busts dynamics, leverage cycles, golden ages, nuclear power propaganda & legislation, 5 paradigms of Neo Schumpeterianism & the emerging 6th organic paradigm, organic vs digital dynamics, the cultural dimension of revolution, culturally constructed & leveraged economies, dematerialization, transhumanist trends, meaning-making process & constructed institutional impact, the value of utopian cycles & revolution synthesis, organic paradigm speculations on Gameb, solar punks, & p2p collaboration. Robert's focus on building multidisciplinary, integral cycle/wave theory, and much more.

Episode Transcript

Mentions & Recommendations

Carlota Perez
Joseph Schumpeter
Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital by Carlota Perez

Robert Conan Ryan is a professor of business administration and emerging public intellectual. His current scholarly projects include work with a diverse roster of world-leading strategists, economists, and futurists such as Jordan Hall, Michel Bauwens, Ravi Madhavan, Barry Mitnick, Matthew McCaffrey, and Michael Rectenwald. His current papers tackle competitive industry dynamics; grey market economics; the history of technology; Neo-Schumpeterian economics; artificial vs. natural cognition; paradigmatic strategic design; and, how sensemaking systems evolve and change.

Dr. Ryan holds a PhD in Business Administration, University of Pittsburgh with emphasis on strategic management, business ethics, and organizational learning and human cognition. He has worked extensively outside of academia as: an independent music consultant and performance coach; indy rock guitarist; music promoter; dj and hip hop beatmaker; general sub-contractor and painter; chef; furnituremaker; pharmaceutical market forecaster; and, banking project manager. He has special enthusiasm for the emerging industries of aquaponics and of medical cannabis.


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