#1025 - How Do You Deal With Being Uncomfortable When Asking Yourself Why? - Q&A

#1025 - How Do You Deal With Being Uncomfortable When Asking Yourself Why? - Q&A

Next Level University

Questions about questions. Today hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros respond to questions from the live podcast:  5 Of The Most Important Questions You Should Be Asking Yourself. They talked about asking someone about yourself, being uncomfortable in vulnerability, asking questions to your partner, and more.

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Show notes:
[1:10] Who can I trust to ask if something is true about me or just a story I’ve told myself?
[3:24] How do you deal with being uncomfortable when sitting in vulnerability when asking yourself why?
[7:18] How can you tell if the story you’re telling yourself is something ingrained or genetic or if it’s something you can grow into?
[11:06] Alicia Romanowiz from Group Coaching shares her experience and recommendation
[13:30] How can we ask these questions to our partners without overwhelming them?
[16:38] What is the most common story clients tell themselves that’s holding them back?
[20:38] Group coaching starts July 12, 2022: https://nextleveluniverse.com/group-coaching/
[21:23] Join the Next Level University Monthly Meetup #7 on Jul 7: How To Become The Healthiest Version Of Yourself https://bit.ly/3NVo1Vy
[22:22] Outro

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