Bettering Bitcoin Through Research with Alejandro Machado

Bettering Bitcoin Through Research with Alejandro Machado

Because of Bitcoin

For more people to find bitcoin and continue to use it, we need to better understand how it is being used today and what purpose it is serving. Assumptions and anecdotes have been used in the past but as the industry grows, more qualitative and quantitative research is needed. The Open Money Initiative is an example of the type of research that produced very insightful findings on how real people were using Bitcoin in Venezuela and other South American countries. The project was co-founded by Alejandro Machado, a Venezuelan that is one of the 6.1 million migrants that have left since authoritarianism took over the country. Alejandro joins Maruicio to share why he decided to leave Venezuela, how he found bitcoin, and what he discovered through his research project, the Open Money Initiative.

Alejandro Machado


The Open Money Initiative


This podcast episode was produced by Quill.


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