This episode of the Switch, Pivot or Quit podcast is a little different because we took the conversation offline and hosted the chat live at the Spotify San Francisco office in front of an audience! Tune in as we talk to two special guests: Aimee Rancer who is a Content Manager at Pinterest as well as a blogger; and Candice VanWye, Founder/Editor of Brown Girl Bloggers and host of The Creative Millennial Podcast. The energy was awesome in the room and we dug in and got real about obstacles, fears, dreaming big and making the best of your career moves.
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Ahyiana Angel is a traditionally published author and host of the Switch, Pivot or Quit podcast, who is affectionately known as the Chief Encourager. She is a seasoned executor who eventually blocked out the world’s ideas of success, quit her highly coveted position at the NBA, moved to London and traveled the world for a stint, then followed her passion in writing to find her purpose in encouragement.
Dream Jobs, Online Courses, Persistence, Young Entrepreneur, Freedom, Addicted, American Hustle, Make Money Online, Motivational Quotes, Expedition, Challenges, Steve Jobs, How To Start A Business, The Secret, Online Marketing, Time Management, Travel Blogs, How To Make Money, Online Business, Law Of Attraction