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May 7 2023

The Future Of Music Sync

Podcasting 2.0 May 5th 2023 Episode 131: "Toilet Scroller"

Adam & Dave discuss the week's developments on podcastindex.org - We run with HUGE scissors! Sam Sethi joins us to discuss PodFans.fm


Sam Sethi - CEO Podfans

YouTube Podcasts is a flop

Programmatic ads are inferior compared to host read ads

Vice Media bankrupsy

You cannot monetize the network

MKUltra chat

Use Curiocaster for the Test!!

13223 v4v enabled podcasts

Joe Martin Music | Podcastindex.org - High Gravity - 15 sec intro

V4V = auto

Todd chapters with chatgpt




fediverse/fep: Fediverse Enhancement Proposals - fep - Codeberg.org

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Last Modified 05/05/2023 14:41:19 by Freedom Controller  


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