What do Rick Rubin, Howard Roark, Jack Mallers and Madex have in common?

What do Rick Rubin, Howard Roark, Jack Mallers and Madex have in common?

Clip • Money Matters with Jack Mallers • EP.37: Rates Down, Bitcoin Up?

created a clip
Sep 24 2024

What do Rick Rubin, Howard Roark, Jack Mallers and Madex have in common?

In this episode of the Money Matters podcast, Bill Mallers Jr., aka Dollar Bill, shares the latest insights on financial markets and Bitcoin. Joined by Jack Mallers and Dylan Lieteau, the hosts break down the Fed's recent rate cut and its implications for Bitcoin. They also unpack Larry Fink's latest remarks on Bitcoin and speculate whether more asset managers will follow suit. Lastly, they discuss the Bitcoin ethos, why adopting Bitcoin is the ultimate ego test, and Jack reflects on his conversation and podcast interview with Rick Rubin.


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