created a clip
Apr 9 2023

A tale of two developing countries

Mags Gronowska joins me to discuss the Ponzi scheme of the Quadriga exchange, the significance of Bitcoin network regulation, the technology of waste tire management, how Bitcoin contributes to infrastructure development, and global Bitcoin adoption.

Mags Gronowska is a seasoned professional with 15 years of experience in regulated financial, electricity, and carbon markets.

// GUEST // 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Crypto_Mags/ 
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mgronowska/

In Wolf's Clothing: https://wolfnyc.com/
iCoin Hardware Wallet (use discount code BITCOIN23): https://www.icointechnology.com/
CrowdHealth: https://www.joincrowdhealth.com/breedlove
Wasabi Wallet: https://wasabiwallet.io/
Join Me At Bitcoin 2023 in Miami (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://b.tc/conference/
Casa (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://keys.casa/
Bitcoin Apparel (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://thebitcoinclothingcompany.com/ 
Feel Free Tonics (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://botanictonics.com
Carnivore Bar (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://carnivorebar.com/

// OUTLINE // 
00:00 - Coming up 
01:15 - Intro 
02:48 - Helping Lightning Startups with In Wolf's Clothing 
03:35 - Introducing Magdalena (Mags) Gronowska 
05:06 - Mags’ Experience as a Government Employee 
06:44 - The Broken Incentives of the Governance 
09:03 - How Mags Got into Bitcoin 
10:02 - Escaping from Communist Poland 
13:16 - The Ponzi Scheme of the Quadriga Exchange 
16:38 - Secure Your Bitcoin Stash with The iCoin Hardware Wallet 
17:34 - Take Control of Your Healthcare with CrowdHealth 
18:36 - A Bitcoin Wallet with Privacy Built-In: Wasabi Wallet 
19:11 - How to Increase People’s Awareness of Bitcoin Security 
20:17 - Does the Bitcoin Network Need Regulation? 
22:30 - How We Can Prevent Another Ponzi Scheme Event 
25:37 - Introduction to PRTI 
26:53 - The Technology of Waste Tire Management 
28:55 - Making Money and Reducing Pollution 
29:39 - A Chance to Win Discounted Tickets to the Bitcoin 2023 Conference and 10M SATS 
30:34 - Hold Bitcoin in the Most Secure Custody Model with Casa 
31:22 - Community Acceptance of the Waste Tire Management Project 
32:24 - Bitcoin Miners are Contributing to Infrastructure Development 
33:40 - Bitcoin is Providing New Economic Incentives 
35:30 - A Bitcoin Success Story in the Congo 
37:11 - How We Can Replicate Bitcoin Incorporation in the Developed Countries 
39:05 - Bitcoin Needs More Time for Mainstream Adoption 
41:29 - Bitcoin Can Solve Countless Problems 
42:42 - Bitcoin Culture is an Advanced and Collaborative Network 
43:30 - The Snowball Effect of Bitcoin 
44:53 - Where to Find Mags’ on the Internet

Podcast Website: https://whatismoneypodcast.com/
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/25LPvm8...
RSS Feed: https://feeds.simplecast.com/MLdpYXYI

Bitcoin: 3D1gfxKZKMtfWaD1bkwiR6JsDzu6e9bZQ7 
Sats via Strike: https://strike.me/breedlove22
Sats via Tippin.me: https://tippin.me/@Breedlove22
Dollars via Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/RBreedlove
Dollars via Venmo: https://account.venmo.com/u/Robert-Breedlove-2
The "What is Money?" Show Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=32843101

Medium: https://breedlove22.medium.com/ 
Substack: https://breedlove22.substack.com/ 

// SOCIAL // 
Breedlove Twitter: https://twitter.com/Breedlove22
WiM? Twitter: https://twitter.com/WhatisMoneyShow
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/breedlove22/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breedlove_22/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@breedlove22
All My Current Work: https://vida.page/breedlove22


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