Podcasts and music - powered by community.

Share, discover and support over 4 million shows and emerging artists

The social network for listeners

Discover podcasts and music worth supporting on Fountain

Download Fountain

Podcasts and music powered by community

Share, discover and support over 4 million shows and emerging artists

Download Fountain
Download Fountain

Download the app on iOS or Android today and join the community

Join the community

Download the app on iOS or Android

Explore the feed

Connect Nostr and explore the home feed to explore recommendations in your feed from listeners on Fountain and other apps.

Join in the conversation

Follow podcasters, artists and other fans to see their latest posts. Hang out with a community of listeners across multiple apps.

Support creators directly from the player

An easy way to give back to the podcasters and artists you love. Pay per minute or Boost to send a payment with a comment.

Create, curate, share.

Build playlists and post clips of the best moments from podcasts in just a few taps.

Earn rewards for listening and sharing

Get paid when other listeners zap your comments, clips and playlists, or just by listening to podcasts and promotions.

Show your support

Fountain makes it easy to send a payment and a message to the creators you love - as you listen.
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Earn rewards

Get paid by other listeners when they zap something you posted, or get paid just for listening.
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Join in the conversation

Find the episodes and tracks that are getting listeners talking and share your thoughts.
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Powered by the Bitcoin Lightning Network

On Fountain you can send and receive small units of bitcoin called satoshis (also known as sats). The value of bitcoin changes daily, but $1 is equivalent to roughly 4000 sats. You don't need sats or any bitcoin experience to get started with Fountain.
Learn more

Download the app on iOS or Android today and join the community


Start building a community of fans and supporters on Fountain

Download Fountain
step 1

Publish your podcast

Create an account, find your show and enter the email address in your RSS feed to start receiving payments. You can also add a split for your co-hosts and guests too.
step 2

Download Fountain

Share your Fountain links and insert a call-to-action in your podcast audio to ask your listeners to help you grow and show their support on Fountain.
step 3

Download Fountain

Start seeing payments, comments and clips from your fans. You can check your latest activity, interact with listeners see your sats in the Fountain app.
step 4

Download Fountain

The more active your community is, the more your podcast gets seen in the Fountain home feed and clips feed. You can also pay to promote you show in the feed.

Topping up your Fountain wallet is simple

Top up with a Lightning Wallet

Create an invoice in Fountain and pay it from any Lightning Wallet such as CashApp, Strike or ZBD. Or send money to your Fountain Lightning Address.
Learn more

Top up with your bank card

No Bitcoin? No problem. Top up your Fountain wallet with your bank card, Apple Pay or Google Pay. You will be required to KYC with Moonpay.
Learn more

Packed with all of the essential features

Jump straight to a specific section and enjoy custom chapter artwork
Access and search accurate transcripts in every language
Organise your library by tagging shows and episodes
Save your listening preferences for each of the shows you follow
Queue up a list of episodes for uninterrupted listening
Program your podcast app to go to sleep at the same time as you do
Download content to listen to when you don't have a connection
Listen to podcasts on the road using the controls in your car

Download the app on iOS or Android today and join the community

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