Episode 34: Insiders Always Dump

Episode 34: Insiders Always Dump

Bitcoin Dad Pod

Iran is now trading using cryptocurrency (https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/iran-makes-first-import-order-using-cryptocurrency-tasnim-2022-08-09/) it's not known which one, but likely bitcoin
UN warns about cryptoization risks (https://unctad.org/news/unctad-spells-out-actions-curb-cryptocurrencies-developing-countries) for developing countries
SEC and CTFC proposes more self reporting for crypto hedge funds (https://archive.ph/BvxlW)
OFAC sanctions Tornado Cash (https://archive.ph/jVGAd) protocol on Etherium
Massive withdrawls (https://nitter.net/TheBlockRes/status/1558093591662280707) from TC despite/because of sanctions
Tornado Cash Developer arrested in Amsterdam (https://archive.ph/u2Sv5)
Possibly due to involvement with TC DAO
Targeting developers happened faster than we thought
MakerDAO Founder Calls on DAI to Drop Dollar Peg Amid Tornado Cash Fallout (https://decrypt.co/107273/makerdao-founder-dai-drop-dollar-peg-tornado-cash-usdc)
An explainer of Private Equity (https://www.propublica.org/article/what-is-private-equity) and inadvertently how it is a feature of peak fiat
Thoughts on BlackRock?
BlackRock Launches Spot Bitcoin Private Trust (https://bitcoinmagazine.com/markets/blackrock-launches-spot-bitcoin-private-trust)
One wonders how this squares with all the ESG noise they have made? BlackRock CEO Stands Firm on ESG Investing (https://www.barrons.com/articles/blackrock-ceo-fink-esg-investing-51649868290)
BlackRock often credited as the "mother of ESG" How BlackRock Made ESG the Hottest Ticket on Wall Street - Bloomberg (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-12-31/how-blackrock-s-invisible-hand-helped-make-esg-a-hot-ticket)
Insiders Always Dump (https://thebitcoinlayer.substack.com/p/insiders-always-dump) by Nik Bhatia
Bitcoin Education
Bitcoin Optech #212 (https://bitcoinops.org/en/newsletters/2022/08/10/) considers raising the dust limit (https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2022-July/020784.html)
Chris happy to see:
● Core Lightning #5071 adds a bookkeeper plugin that provides an accounting record of movements of bitcoins by the node running the plugin, including the ability to track the amount spent on fees. The merged PR includes several new RPC commands.
Remember to get in touch bitcoindadpod@protonmail.com or @bitcoindadpod on twitter
Consider joining the matrix channel (https://matrix.to/#/#bitcoin:jupiterbroadcasting.com) using a matrix client like element (https://element.io/get-started)
None today!
Value for Value
Podcasting 2.0 to support an indepenent podcasting ecosystem (https://podcastindex.org/)
Recomended Podcasting2.0 apps:
Fountain (https://www.fountain.fm/) podcast app (Android)
Podverse (https://podverse.fm/) (Cross platform and self hostable)
Castamatic (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/castamatic-podcast-player/id966632553) (Apple)+ Podcasting 2.0 to support an indepenent podcasting ecosystem (https://podcastindex.org/)
Sponsors and Acknowledgements
The Adopting Bitcoin Conference (https://adoptingbitcoin.org/2022/) Novem ber 15, 16 & 17, 2022 in El Salvador, use promo code BITCOINDAD for a 21% di scount
Music by Lesfm from Pixabay
Self Hosted Show (https://selfhosted.show/) courtesy of Jupiter Broadcasting (https://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/)


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