049 Dheeraj Shah Web3 Content Creator

049 Dheeraj Shah Web3 Content Creator

Meyrick's Dabbling Path

Dhee a.k.a Dheeraj Shah is a creator, builder, podcaster and explorer of all things crypto. I had a great time talking to him about his journey as an entrepreneur, what got him into crypto, what are the projects he's currently building and the current bear market. We also discussed his hobbies outside of crypto, his routines, the importance of 1% improvements and what constitutes a healthy diet.  

You can find all of Dhee’s work here - https://linktr.ee/dheerajshah

Follow me on Twitter - MeyrickDabs https://twitter.com/DabreoMeyrick
Instagram - fortheeye https://www.instagram.com/fortheeye/
Medium - MeyrickDabs https://meyrickdabs.medium.com/
Some of my other work: linktr.ee/Meyrickdabs
Feel like buying me a fruit https://www.buymeacoffee.com/meyrick


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