038 Abhrodeep Mukherje

038 Abhrodeep Mukherje

Meyrick's Dabbling Path

Abhrodeep Mukherjee is a graphic designer, illustrator and painter. He is based out in New Delhi and works as a graphic designer full-time.  Abhrodeep gave a rundown of how art influenced his life and how art continues to motivate everything he does. We also discuss the impact of NFTs and their potential future.   

You can find all of Abhrodeep’s work here -h ttps://linktr.ee/abhrodeepmukherjee

Follow me on Twitter - MeyrickDabs https://twitter.com/DabreoMeyrick

Instagram - fortheeye https://www.instagram.com/fortheeye/

Medium - fortheeye https://fortheeye.medium.com/ 

Some of my other work: linktr.ee/Meyrickdabs 

Feel like buying me a fruit https://www.buymeacoffee.com/meyrick


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