EP26: @dazbea1 – The Venn diagram of a bitcoiner

EP26: @dazbea1 – The Venn diagram of a bitcoiner

2-Bit Idiots

If you could pick a skill set to hit the ground running in Bitcoin, you’d struggle to be ‘luckier’ than Daz.  A sparky by trade, with a science degree in engineering, experience in marketing, an interest in macroeconomics, an ability to communicate (written and spoken) and an all-round good bloke...he’s a Venn diagram of a bitcoiner.

He started stacking in March 2020 – coming from the value investing angle (ht Preston Pysh) and has contributed lots already since he spends “most of my waking time” on Bitcoin.  Read some (all!) of his work at:


As always, our pod’s completely lack structure, focus and we drift all over the place.  Sorry (not sorry).  We hit on some important topics (and some not so) in this one, so take from it what you will and direct all criticism at Brendo.  We discuss:

  • Why all you need to survive the virus is a caravan and an oodie
  • How it helps you have your wife on-side (tip: have a spreadsheet with your personal net worth that you can screenshot and send to them in a raging bull market)
  • How to find the intrinsic value of stocks, and why almost everything is over-valued:
  • https://amzn.to/3snra76 - The Warren Buffett Accounting Book – Stig Brodersen & Preston Pysh
  • Fiats Gains versus Changing the World
  • Writing for friends and family and just making it more widely available
  • How institutions will flush out your Bitcoin leveraged longs
  • Do not trade, just DCA (or should it be called Mining Cost Average)
  • Home mining checklist (including safety concerns)
  • How to source home miners and the value of non-KYC sats
  • If you can dial into your modem, you can mine
  • Merger of all of the loves
  • Bitcoin mining becoming the demand of last (or first) resort on the grid
  • Why stranded energy and Bitcoin are a match made in heaven
  • Writing a financial literacy course that’s accessible for everyone (hopefully in time for Bitcoin ‘22 conference)
  • Death by PowerPoint, and What Is Money?
  • You can’t orange pill in 10 minutes without sounding like a lunatic

Apologies for a couple of audio issues.  We promise, Daz has now freed himself from the Matrix.

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